Our Story

Hello & welcome to Garden Grit

My name is Emma Pelle (preferably Em) and I am a horticulturalist that founded this business whilst doing my studies & being a mum.

I pursued my passion in horticulture by completing studies with ARO college at Carrick Hill, in South Australia. I have a passion for indoor plants, gardening, growing your own produce and have a deep commitment to environmental sustainability.

Garden Grits expertise lies in:

  • Indoor plant design, care and maintenance for homes and businesses

  • Facilitatiing plant workshops for SA libraries, community gardens/centres, schools, childcare centres and other organisations

  • Garden Consultations - assisting customers to pick the best plants and vegetation for their spaces at home.

  • Garden maintenance services

We hope you enjoy exploring our website, and we look forward to the opportunity to partner with you.



Horticulturalist/Business Owner